Bianka Dr. Szalainé Ágoston PhD research fellow
Address: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Room: 4.104
Born At: April 11, 1982
Born In: Budapest
Lab: NMR lab.
- ELTE TTK PhD. School of Chemistry, 2006-2013
- MSc. in chemistry, Universität Wien 2000-2006.
- Structure and dynamics of ordered and disordered proteins by NMR spectroscopy.
- Spontaneous isomerisation of –NG– amino acid pairs in naturally occuring sequences. We analyse the speed of isomerisation and its dependence on the sequence and structure of different odered and disordered proteins.
- Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) and chaperones, such as ERD14 (Early Response to Dehydration 14). Relationship of their structure/disorder to their chaperon function, analysed by NMR as well as various biochemical techniques.
- Murvai N., Kalmár L., Szabo B., Schád É., Micsonai A., Kardos J., Buday L., Han K-H., Tompa P., Tantos Á.: „Cellular Chaperone Function of Intrinsically Disordered Dehydrin ERD14” Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2021) 22: 6190.
- Szalainé Ágoston B., Kovács D., Tompa P., Perczel A.: „Full Backbone Assignment and Dynamics of the Intrinsically Disordered Dehydrin ERD14“ Biomolecular NMR Assignments (2011) 2: 189-193.
- Kovács D., Ágoston B., Tompa P.: "Disordered plant LEA proteins as molecular chaperones” Plant Signaling and Behavior (2008) 3: 710-713.
- Kovács D., Rakács M., Ágoston B., Lenkey K., Semrad K., Schroeder R., Tompa P.: „Janus chaperones: assistance of both RNA- and protein-folding by ribosomal proteins” FEBS Letters (2009) 583, 88-92.
- Mohammed-Ziegler I., Tánczos I., Hórvölgyi Z., Ágoston B.: "Water-repellent acylated and silylated wood samples and their surface analytical characterization" Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2008) 319: 204-212.
- Tollinger M., Kloiber K., Ágoston B., Dorigoni C., Lichtenecker R., Schmid W., Konrat R.: "An Isolated Helix Persists in a Sparsely Populated Form of KIX under Native Conditions" Biochemistry (2006) 45: 8885-8893.