Actual Education
Dr. András Perczel
- 2012-13/II Organic chemistry for biologists (lectures: kv1c1bk1) 14*4 h (Monday/0.65 14.00-16.00, Wednesday/0.65 12.00-14.00)
- 2012-13/II Biological chemistry (lectures: kb1n1202) 14*3 h (Thursday/-1.75 8.00-11.00)
- 2012-13/II Structure and Dynamics of Proteins and peptides via spectroscopic methods (special courses: kv2n9o35) 14*2 h
Dr. Zsolt Dürvanger
2017-18/I General Chemistry calculation practice (kv1c2al2), 13*2 h
Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz, PhD
2019-20/I Carbohydrate chemistry (special course) 14*2 hours (Thursday, 5.86. 16: 00-18: 00)
Dr. Veronika Harmat
- X-ray crystallography lectures (Chemistry M.Sc.)
- X-ray crystallography laboratory courses (Chemistry M.Sc.)
- Protein crystallography lectures (Chemistry and Structural Biology Ph.D., Biotechnology M.Sc.)
- Structural methods (Chemistry BSc, part of the course)
- Biocrystallography, Bioanalytics (X-ray crystallography, Biotechnology M.Sc.)
- Inorganic chemistry calculations practice (Chemistry B.Sc.)
- General chemistry laboratory courses (Chemistry and Biology B.Sc.)
Dr. Imre Jákli
- Application of C and FORTRAN in chemistry (0+2)
Dr. András Láng
2015-16/I BioNMR spectroscopy (practical) 3 h./week/semester (Wednesdays/6.88 13.00-16.00) kv2n8o28, kfbn1d24
2015-16/I Environmental technology (practical) 5 h./week/semester (Thursdays/512 8.00-14.00) kalc4039
Dr. Gábor Náray-Szabó
- 2013/I Molecular modelling
- 2013/II Is development sustainable?
Csenge Lilla Szabó
2020-21/I Analytical Chemistry Lab (2): Instrumental analytics (compulsory course, practice; ³¹P-NMR; in Hungarian)
2020-21/II Bioanalytical and biospectroscopy lab practice (Biotechnology MSc; DOSY NMR; in Hungarian)
Dr. Mária Szabó
2013-14/II Chemical Technology Laboratory practice (lecture: kv1c4tc2) 12*6 h (Tuesday 8.00-14.00)
Adrienn Nagy
- 2015-16/II Green Chemistry Laboratory (special course, laboratory:kv2n4o14) 12*4 h (Monday: 8:00-12:00, Wednesday: 13:00-17:00)