Dr. Imre Jákli PhD, senior research fellow
Address: 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Room: 443
Phone: +36 (1) 372-2693 ; +36 (1) 372-2500 / 1410
Born At: August 31, 1971
Born In: Pápa (Hungary)
Lab: Computational lab.
- István Türr High-School, Pápa, 1985-1989
- MSc in chemistry at the Eötvös University, 1989-1994.
- PhD, Chemistry Doctoral School of the Eötvös University, 2004.
Posts Held
- 2010- senior research fellow, Protein Modeling Group, HAS/ELTE
- 2008-2010 research fellow, Protein Modeling Group, HAS/ELTE
- 2005-2008 research fellow, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, ELTE
- 1994-2005 staff engineer, Department of Chemistry, ELTE
- 1994-1997 PhD student, Department of Chemistry, ELTE
Actual courses
- Application of C and FORTRAN in chemistry (0+2)
Teaching experiences
- UNIX operating system (0+2), 2005-2007
- Advanced UNIX operating system (0+2), 2009
- Application of C and FORTRAN in chemistry (0+2), with Ödön Farkas 2007-
- Theoretical method for drug target scaffold search (GVOP-3.1.1.-2004-05-0451/3.0) (2005-2007)
- Innovative calculation method development for drug research (Öveges József program, 2007)
- Member of the Structural Chemistry and Biology Laboratory and the HAS-ELTE Protein Modelling Group
- Protein structure research using computational methods
14 papers in international journals
Prime Publications
Imre Jákli , Szilárd N. Fejér , Ödön Farkas , Béla Viskolcz , Svend J. Knak Jensen , Imre G. Csizmadia , András Perczel
Helix compactness and stability: Electron structure calculations of conformer
Chem. Phys. Lett. 563:80-87. (2013) Kivonat -
Imre Jákli , András Perczel
The inherent flexibility of peptides and protein fragments quantitized by CD in conjunction with CCA+
J. Pept. Sci. 15:738-752. (2009) Kivonat -
András Perczel , Imre Jákli , Imre G. Csizmadia
Intrinsically stable secondary structure elements of proteins: a comprehensive study of folding units of proteins by computation and by analysis of data determined by X-ray crystallography
Chem. Eur. J. 9(21): 5332-5342 (2003) Kivonat -
Péter Hudáky , Imre Jákli , Attila G. Császár , András Perczel
Peptide models XXXI. Conformational properties of hydrophobic residues shaping the core of proteins. An ab initio study of N-formyl-l-valinamide and N-formyl-L-phenyalaninamide.
J. Comput. Chem. 22: 732-751. (2001) Kivonat -
Fruzsina Pilhál , Imre Jákli , Ernő Keszei , András Láng , András Perczel
Kinetic, thermodynamic, and ab initio insights of AsnGly isomerisation as a ticking time bomb for protein integrity
Commun Chem 7, 303 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-024-01374-1 (2024) Kivonat
Pro Scientia gold medal (1995)