Annamária Ángyán PhD Msc.
Address: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Room: 5.123
Phone: -
Fax: -
Born At: July 05, 1983
Born In: Budapest
- MSc. in Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Sciences, 2003-2008.
- Universität Wien, Faculty of Pharmacy, 2001. (1 semester)
- Bioinformatics
- NMR-spectroscopy
- Computational Biology
- 2005 - Laboratory of Structural Chemistry and Biology, András Perczel, DSc.
- 2008 - member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Eötvös Loránd University (MTA-ELTE), Protein Modeling research Group
- 2008 - member of the Protein Information Technology Group (http://pitgroup.org/)
Prime Publications
Annamária F. Ángyán , András Perczel , Sándor Pongor , Zoltán Gáspári
Fast protein fold estimation from NMR-derived distance restraints
Bioinformatics 24(2):272-275. (2008) Kivonat -
András Perczel , Annamária F. Ángyán , Balázs Szappanos , Zoltán Gáspári
CoNSEnsX: an ensemble view of protein structures and NMR-derived experimental data
BMC Structural Biology 10:39. | DOI: 10.1186/1472-6807-10-39. | PMID: 21034466 (2010) Kivonat -
Zoltán Gáspári , Annamária F. Ángyán , Somdutta Dhir , Dino Franklin , András Perczel , Alessandro Pintar , Sándor Pongor
Probing dynamic protein ensembles with atomic proximity measures
Curr. Protein Pept. Sci. 11(7):515-522. | DOI: 10.2174/138920310794109201 | PMID: 20887264 (2010) Kivonat -
Zsolt Dürvanger , Eszter Boros , Zoltán Attila Nagy , Rózsa Hegedüs , Márton Megyeri , József Dobó , Péter Gál , Gitta Schlosser , Annamária F. Ángyán , Zoltán Gáspári , András Perczel , Veronika Harmat , Gábor Mező , Dóra K. Menyhárd , Gábor Pál
Directed Evolution-Driven Increase of Structural Plasticity Is a Prerequisite for Binding the Complement Lectin Pathway Blocking MASP-Inhibitor Peptides
ACS Chem. Biol. 17(4), 969–986 I DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.2c00114 (2022) Kivonat
- Student's Scientific Association Conference, ELTE Institue of Chemistry, >1st prize
- Excellent Master Thesis Award from Hungarian Chemical Society