Szebasztián Szaniszló PhD studnet
Address: 1518 Budapest 112, Pf.: 32, Hungary
Phone: 06-70-555-89-80
Fax: +36 (1) 372-2620
Born At: April 23, 1990
Born In: Nagyszőlős
Facility Manager: Dr. András Perczel
Lab: Preparative and synthetic laboratory, Flow Peptide Chemistry laboratory
Prime Publications
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Imre G. Csizmadia , Imre Jákli , Viktor Farkas , András Láng , Máté Sulyok-Eiler , Veronika Harmat , István Pintér , András Perczel
Intramolecular Inhibition by Imidazole in Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Protected Carbohydrates
Chem. Eur. J. e202403319 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202403319 (2024) Kivonat -
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Gitta Schlosser , Viktor Farkas , András Perczel
Direct Continuous Flow Synthesis of Two Difficult Polypeptides Using β-Cyclodextrins
J. Org. Chem. 89(24), 18039-18046 (2024) Kivonat -
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Antal Csámpai , Dániel Horváth , Richárd Tomecz , Viktor Farkas , András Perczel
Unveiling the Oxazolidine Character of Pseudoproline Derivatives by Automated Flow Peptide Chemistry
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(8), 4150 (2024) Kivonat -
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Kristóf Ferentzi , András Perczel , Viktor Farkas
Improved Acylation of Pseudoproline: Masked Threonine in Flow Peptide Chemistry
Organic Process Research & Development 27(6): 1053-1060 (2023) Kivonat -
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Imre G. Csizmadia , András Perczel
How weak an acid can be? Variations of H-bond and/or van der Waals Interaction of Weak Acids
Struct. Chem. 28(2):371-378. | DOI: 10.1007/s11224-016-0888-5 (2017) Kivonat