
Dr. András Láng Ph.D., Research fellow

Address: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A

Room: 427/A


Phone: +36 (1) 372-2500 / 1408

Fax: +36 (1) 372-2620

Born At: April 04, 1978

Born In: Budapest

Lab: NMR lab., Expression laboratory


  • Eötvös József Secondary school, Budapest, 1992-1996.
  • M.Sc., Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1996-2001. (277/2001)
  • Ph.D., Structural Biochemistry, School of Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2003-2011. (P-3447/2011) 'Investigation of Complement Control Modules by NMR-spectroscopy'

Actual courses

2015-16/I BioNMR spectroscopy (practical) 3 h./week/semester (Wednesdays/6.88 13.00-16.00) kv2n8o28, kfbn1d24

2015-16/I Environmental technology (practical) 5 h./week/semester (Thursdays/512 8.00-14.00) kalc4039

Teaching experiences

2012- BioNMR spectroscopy (practical) 14*3 h./semester I

2014- Environmental technology (practical) 6*5 h./semester I


Synthesis (prokaryotic expression system) and structure/dynamics analysis (NMR) of proteins and peptides

Protein-protein interactions (PPI)

Research experiences

Prof. Patthy László (1999-2001. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Enzymology)

Prof. Kovács Gyula (2001. University of Heidelberg)

Prof. Margot Zöller (2002. DKFZ, Heidelberg)


Prime Publications

List of Publications