Dóra Nagy-Fazekas PhD student
Phone: 1408
Born At: June 27, 1991
Born In: Tiszafüred
Facility Manager: Dr. András Perczel
2002-2010: Kossuth Lajos Secondary Grammar School, Tiszafüred, Hungary
2010-2011: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Chemical Engineering, Bachelor studies (BSc), Budapest, Hungary
2011-2014: Business Academy Aarhus (BAA), Chemical and Biotechnological Science, Academy Profession degree program (AP), Aarhus, Denmark
2014-2016: Business Academy Aarhus (BAA), Chemical and Biotechnical, Food- and Process Technology, Bachelor studies (BSc), Aarhus, Denmark
2016-2018: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Medical Chemistry, Master program (MSc), Odense, Denmark
2018-2022: Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hevesy György PhD School of Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary
Posts Held
2022-Present: research assistant
Production of proteins in E.coli systems for structural research purposes.
Protein structure research by using different spectroscopy, crystallisation and modelling methods.
Prime Publications
Dóra Nagy-Fazekas , Zsolt Fazekas , Nóra Taricska , Pál Stráner , Dóra Karancsiné Menyhárd , András Perczel
Inhibitor Design Strategy for Myostatin: Dynamics and Interaction Networks Define the Affinity and Release Mechanisms of the Inhibited Complexes
Molecules 28(15), 5655 | https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28155655 (2023) Kivonat -
Dóra Nagy-Fazekas , Pál Stráner , Péter Ecsédi , Nóra Taricska , Adina Borbély , László Nyitray , András Perczel
A Novel Fusion Protein System for the Production of Nanobodies and the SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD in a Bacterial System
Bioengineering 10(3), 389 I DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering10030389 (2023) Kivonat -
Kristóf Ferentzi , Dóra Nagy-Fazekas , Viktor Farkas , András Perczel
Synthesis of small protein domains by automated flow chemistry
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 9, 58-69 (2024) Kivonat -
István Vida , Zsolt Fazekas , Gergő Gyulai , Dóra Nagy-Fazekas , Gyula Pálfy , Pál Stráner , Éva Kiss , András Perczel
Bacterial fermentation and isotope labelling optimized for amyloidogenic proteins
Microbial Biotechnology 14, 1107–1119. | https://doi.org/10.1111/1751-7915.13778 (2021) Kivonat