Flow Peptide Chemistry laboratory

Facility manager: Dr. Viktor Farkas
Members: Kata Geszti, Levente Endre Nagy, Dr. Viktor Farkas, Kristóf Ferentzi, Szebasztián Szaniszló
Laboratory News
Our new paper is out!
We have moved to a higher level! :)
We have published another communication on flow peptide chemistry. The synthesis of looonger polypeptides (58-76 aa.) has been achieved using an HPLC-based apparatus.
Keep calm and make SPF! ;)Synthesis of small protein domains by automated flow chemistry
New instrument for peptides production
The installation of our second flow peptide synthesizer is ready.
Keep calm and make SPF! :) -
Viktor Farkas , Kristóf Ferentzi , Kata Horváti , András Perczel
Cost Effective Flow Peptide Synthesis: Metamorphosis of HPLC
Organic Process Research & Development 25(2): 182-191 (2021) Kivonat -
Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz , Kim Hoang Yen Duong , Dániel Horváth , Kristóf Ferentzi , Viktor Farkas , András Perczel
Application of Sugar Amino Acids: Flow chemistry used for α/β-chimera synthesis
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 6071–6083. | In memory of Ferenc Fülöp (2021) Kivonat -
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Kristóf Ferentzi , András Perczel , Viktor Farkas
Improved Acylation of Pseudoproline: Masked Threonine in Flow Peptide Chemistry
Organic Process Research & Development 27(6): 1053-1060 (2023) Kivonat -
Kristóf Ferentzi , Dóra Nagy-Fazekas , Viktor Farkas , András Perczel
Synthesis of small protein domains by automated flow chemistry
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 9, 58-69 (2024) Kivonat -
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Antal Csámpai , Dániel Horváth , Richárd Tomecz , Viktor Farkas , András Perczel
Unveiling the Oxazolidine Character of Pseudoproline Derivatives by Automated Flow Peptide Chemistry
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(8), 4150 (2024) Kivonat