Intramolecular Inhibition by Imidazole in Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Protected Carbohydrates
Szebasztián Szaniszló
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, Imre Jákli
, Viktor Farkas
, András Láng
, Máté Sulyok-Eiler
, Veronika Harmat
, István Pintér
, András Perczel
Chem. Eur. J.
e202403319 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202403319
Kinetic, thermodynamic, and ab initio insights of AsnGly isomerisation as a ticking time bomb for protein integrity
Fruzsina Pilhál
, Imre Jákli
, Ernő Keszei
, András Láng
, András Perczel
Commun Chem
7, 303 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-024-01374-1
Direct Continuous Flow Synthesis of Two Difficult Polypeptides Using β-Cyclodextrins
Szebasztián Szaniszló
, Gitta Schlosser
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
J. Org. Chem.
89(24), 18039-18046
The homodimerization domain of the Stl repressor is crucial for efficient inhibition of mycobacterial dUTPase
Zoé S. Tóth
, Ibolya Leveles
, Kinga Nyíri
, Gergely N. Nagy
, Veronika Harmat
, Thapakorn Jaroentomeechai
, Oliver Ozohanics
, Rebecca L. Miller
, Marina Ballesteros Álvarez
, Beáta G. Vértessy
, András Benedek
Sci Rep
14, 27171 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-76349-2
Unravelling the Complexity of Amyloid Peptide Core Interfaces
Máté Sulyok-Eiler
, Veronika Harmat
, András Perczel
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
64, 22, 8628–8640 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.4c01479
Target-templated Construction of Functional Proteomimetics Using Photo-foldamer Libraries
Edit Wéber
, Péter Ábrányi-Balogh
, Tamas A. Martinek
, Bence Nagymihály
, Dóra Karancsiné Menyhárd
, Nikolett Péczka
, Márton Gadanecz
, Gitta Schlosser
, Zoltán Orgován
, Ferenc Bogár
, Dávid Bajusz
, Gábor Kecskeméti
, Zoltán Szabó
, Éva Bartus
, Attila Tököli
, Gábor K. Tóth
, Tibor V. Szalai
, Tamás Takács
, Elvin de Araujo
, László Buday
, András Perczel
, György M. Keserű
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
e202410435 I DOI: 10.1002/anie.202410435
Opening Amyloid-Windows to the secondary structure of proteins: The amyloidogenecity increases tenfold inside beta-sheets
Kristóf Takács
, Bálint Varga
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
, Vince Grolmusz
Computers in Biology and Medicine
179: 108863
Solvent induced amyloid polymorphism and the uncovering of the elusive class 3 amyloid topology
Zsolt Dürvanger
, Fruzsina Bencs
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Dániel Horváth
, András Perczel
Communications Biology
7: 968
Mapping protein binding sites by photoreactive fragment pharmacophores
Péter Ábrányi-Balogh
, Dávid Bajusz
, Zoltán Orgován
, Aaron B. Keeley
, László Petri
, Nikolett Péczka
, Tibor Viktor Szalai
, Gyula Pálfy
, Márton Gadanecz
, Emma K. Grant
, Tímea Imre
, Tamás Takács
, Ivan Ranđelović
, Marcell Baranyi
, András Marton
, Gitta Schlosser
, Qirat F. Ashraf
, Elvin D. de Araujo
, Tamás Karancsi
, László Buday
, József Tóvári
, András Perczel
, Jacob T. Bush
, György M. Keserű
Communications Chemistry
7, 168 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-024-01252-w
Contribution of Noncovalent Recognition and Reactivity to the Optimization of Covalent Inhibitors: A Case Study on KRasG12C
Nikolett Péczka
, Ivan Ranđelović
, Zoltán Orgován
, Noémi Csorba
, Attila Egyed
, László Petri
, Péter Ábrányi-Balogh
, Márton Gadanecz
, András Perczel
, József Tóvári
, Gitta Schlosser
, Tamás Takács
, Levente M. Mihalovits
, György G. Ferenczy
, László Buday
, György M. Keserű
ACS Chem. Biol.
19, 8, 1743–1756 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acschembio.4c00217
Dynamically encoded reactivity of Ras enzymes: opening new frontiers for drug discovery
Gyula Pálfy
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews
Neighbor effect on conformational spaces of alanine residue in azapeptides
Ho-Jin Lee
, Shi-Wei Liu
, Máté Sulyok-Eiler
, Veronika Harmat
, Viktor Farkas
, Zoltán Bánóczi
, Mouna El Khabchi
, Hua-Jun Shawn Fan
, Kimihiko Hirao
, Jong-Won Song
10 (12), e33159
LoCoHD: a metric for comparing local environments of proteins
Zsolt Fazekas
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Nature Communications
15, 4029 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48225-0
Revisiting Hafner’s Azapentalenes: The Chemistry of 1,3-Bis(dimethylamino)-2-azapentalene
Enikő Meiszter
, Tamás Gazdag
, Péter J. Mayer
, Attila Kunfi
, Tamás Holczbauer
, Máté Sulyok-Eiler
, Gábor London
J. Org. Chem.
89 (9), 5941-5951 | DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.3c02564
Unveiling the Oxazolidine Character of Pseudoproline Derivatives by Automated Flow Peptide Chemistry
Szebasztián Szaniszló
, Antal Csámpai
, Dániel Horváth
, Richárd Tomecz
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
25(8), 4150
Influence of Aza-Glycine Substitution on the Internalization of Penetratin
Karima Tarchoun
, Dóra Soltész
, Viktor Farkas
, Ho-Jin Lee
, Ildikó Szabó
, Zoltán Bánóczi
16(4), 477
Insight into the Structure and Redox Chemistry of [Carbonatotetraamminecobalt(III)] Permanganate and Its Monohydrate as Co-Mn-Oxide Catalyst Precursors of the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Kende Attila Béres
, Zsolt Dürvanger
, Zoltán Homonnay
, Laura Bereczki
, Berta Barta Holló
, Attila Farkas
, Vladimir M. Petruševski
, László Kótai
12(4), 94 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics12040094
Synthesis of small protein domains by automated flow chemistry
Kristóf Ferentzi
, Dóra Nagy-Fazekas
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering
9, 58-69
Amide isomerization pathways: Electronic and structural background of protonation- and deprotonation-mediated cis-trans interconversions
Ádám A. Kelemen
, András Perczel
, Dániel Horváth
, Imre Jákli
J. Chem. Phys.
159 (15): 154301. | DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0165772
Design and Characterization of a Multistage Peptide-Based Vaccine Platform to Target Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection
Chiara Bellini
, Emil Vergara
, Fruzsina Bencs
, Kinga Fodor
, Szilvia Bõsze
, Denis Krivić
, Bernadett Bacsa
, Sára Eszter Surguta
, József Tóvári
, Rajko Reljic
, Kata Horváti
Bioconjugate Chemistry
34(10): 1738–1753
Polymorphic amyloid nanostructures of hormone peptides involved in glucose homeostasis display reversible amyloid formation
Dániel Horváth
, Zsolt Dürvanger
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Máté Sulyok-Eiler
, Fruzsina Bencs
, Gergő Gyulai
, Péter Horváth
, Nóra Taricska
, András Perczel
Nature Communications
14, 4621 I https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-40294-x
NMR-Chemical-Shift-Driven Protocol Reveals the Cofactor-Bound, Complete Structure of Dynamic Intermediates of the Catalytic Cycle of Oncogenic KRAS G12C Protein and the Significance of the Mg2+ Ion
Márton Gadanecz
, Zsolt Fazekas
, Gyula Pálfy
, Dóra Karancsiné Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
24(15), 12101 I https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms241512101
Inhibitor Design Strategy for Myostatin: Dynamics and Interaction Networks Define the Affinity and Release Mechanisms of the Inhibited Complexes
Dóra Nagy-Fazekas
, Zsolt Fazekas
, Nóra Taricska
, Pál Stráner
, Dóra Karancsiné Menyhárd
, András Perczel
28(15), 5655 | https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28155655
Crystal Nanoarchitectonics and Characterization of the Octahedral Iron(III)–Nitrate Complexes with Isomer Dimethylurea Ligands
Kende Attila Béres
, Zoltán Homonnay
, Laura Bereczki
, Zsolt Dürvanger
, Vladimir M. Petruševski
, Attila Farkas
, László Kótai
13(7), 1019 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13071019 I ISSN 2073-4352
Acetyl group for proper protection of β-sugar-amino acids used in SPPS
István Varga
, Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz
, István Pintér
, Antal Csámpai
, András Perczel
Amino Acids
| doi: 10.1007/s00726-023-03278-1
Improved Acylation of Pseudoproline: Masked Threonine in Flow Peptide Chemistry
Szebasztián Szaniszló
, Kristóf Ferentzi
, András Perczel
, Viktor Farkas
Organic Process Research & Development
27(6): 1053-1060
Effect of Substitution Degree and Homogeneity on Cyclodextrin-Ligand Complex Stability: Comparison of Fenbufen and Fenoprofen Using CD and NMR Spectroscopy
Márta Kraszni
, Ferenc Ágh
, Dániel Horváth
, Arash Mirzahosseini
, Péter Horváth
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
24, 7544. I DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24087544
A Novel Fusion Protein System for the Production of Nanobodies and the SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD in a Bacterial System
Dóra Nagy-Fazekas
, Pál Stráner
, Péter Ecsédi
, Nóra Taricska
, Adina Borbély
, László Nyitray
, András Perczel
10(3), 389 I DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering10030389
Structures of calmodulin–melittin complexes show multiple binding modes lacking classical anchoring interactions
Zsolt Dürvanger
, Tünde Juhász
, Károly Liliom
, Veronika Harmat
J. Biol. Chem.
299(4): 104596 I DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.104596
Covalent fragment mapping of KRasG12C revealed novel chemotypes with in vivo potency
Zoltán Orgován
, Nikolett Péczka
, László Petri
, Péter Ábrányi-Balogh
, Ivan Ranđelović
, Szilárd Tóth
, Gergely Szakács
, Kinga Nyíri
, Beáta Vértessy
, Gyula Pálfy
, István Vida
, András Perczel
, József Tóvári
, György M. Keserű
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
250, 115212, ISSN 0223-5234 I DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2023.115212.
Structural, Spectroscopic, and Thermal Decomposition Features of [Carbonatotetraamminecobalt(III)] Iodide—Insight into the Simultaneous Solid-Phase Quasi-Intramolecular Redox Reactions
Kende Attila Béres
, Fanni Szilágyi
, Zoltán Homonnay
, Zsolt Dürvanger
, Laura Bereczki
, László Trif
, Vladimir M. Petruševski
, Attila Farkas
, Niloofar Bayat
, László Kótai
11(2):68. I DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics11020068
A carbapenem antibiotic inhibiting a mammalian serine protease: structure of the acylaminoacyl peptidase–meropenem complex
Anna J. Kiss-Szemán
, Luca Takács
, Zoltán Orgován
, Pál Stráner
, Imre Jákli
, Gitta Schlosser
, Simonas Masiulis
, Veronika Harmat
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Chemical Science
13, 14264 - 14276 I DOI: 10.1039/D2SC05520A
Comparative Study of the Solid-Liquid Interfacial Adsorption of Proteins in Their Native and Amyloid Forms
Ágnes Ábrahám
, Flavio Massignan
, Gergő Gyulai
, Miklós Katona
, Nóra Taricska
, Éva Kiss
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
23(21), 13219 I DOI: 10.3390/ijms232113219
D27-LIKE1 isomerase has a preference towards trans/cis and cis/cis conversions of carotenoids in Arabidopsis
Zsolt Gulyás
, Blanka Moncsek
, Kamirán Áron Hamow
, Pál Stráner
, Zoltán Tolnai
, Eszter Badics
, Norbert Incze
, Éva Darkó
, Valéria Nagy
, András Perczel
, László Kovács
, Vilmos Soós
The Plant Journal
DOI: 10.1111/tpj.16017
Synthesis, structure, and Mössbauer spectroscopic studies on the heat‑induced solid‑phase redox reactions of hexakis(urea‑O)iron(III) peroxodisulfate
Kende Attila Béres
, Zoltán Homonnay
, Berta Barta Holló
, Maria Gracheva
, Vladimir M. Petruševski
, Attila Farkas
, Zsolt Dürvanger
, László Kótai
Journal of Materials Research
38, 1102–1118 I DOI: 10.1557/s43578-022-00794-w
Succinct Amyloid and Nonamyloid Patterns in Hexapeptides
László Keresztes
, Evelin Szögi
, Bálint Varga
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
, Vince Grolmusz
ACS Omega
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c02513
Thermally Induced Solid-Phase Quasi-Intramolecular Redox Reactions of [Hexakis(urea-O)iron(III)] Permanganate: An Easy Reaction Route to Prepare Potential (Fe,Mn)Ox Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation
Kende Attila Béres
, Zoltán Homonnay
, Libor Kvitek
, Zsolt Dürvanger
, Martina Kubikova
, Veronika Harmat
, Fanni Szilágyi
, Zsuzsanna Czégény
, Péter Németh
, Laura Bereczki
, Vladimir M. Petruševski
, Mátyás Pápai
, Attila Farkas
, László Kótai
Inorg. Chem.
61(36), 14403–14418 I DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c02265
Synthesis of the extracellular domain of GLP-1R by chemical and biotechnological approaches
János Szolomajer
, Pál Stráner
, Zoltán Kele
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
RSC Advances
12: 24278-24287 | DOI: 10.1039/d2ra02784d
Omicron Binding Mode: Contact Analysis and Dynamics of the Omicron Receptor-Binding Domain in Complex with ACE2
Zsolt Fazekas
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.2c00397
The Importance of Mg2+-Free State in Nucleotide Exchange of Oncogenic K-Ras Mutants
Gyula Pálfy
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Hanna Ákontz-Kiss
, István Vida
, Gyula Batta
, Orsolya Tőke
, András Perczel
Chemistry - A European Journal
e202201449 I DOI: doi.org/10.1002/chem.202201449
Cryo-EM structure of acylpeptide hydrolase reveals substrate selection by multimerization and a multi-state serine-protease triad
Anna J. Kiss-Szemán
, Pál Stráner
, Imre Jákli
, Naoki Hosogi
, Veronika Harmat
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Chemical Science
DOI: 10.1039/d2sc02276a
Synergy of protease-binding sites within the ecotin homodimer is crucial for inhibition of MASP enzymes and for blocking lectin pathway activation
Zoltán Attila Nagy
, Dávid Héja
, Dániel Bencze
, Bence Kiss
, Eszter Boros
, Dávid Szakács
, Krisztián Fodor
, Matthias Wilmanns
, Andrea Kocsis
, József Dobó
, Péter Gál
, Veronika Harmat
, Gábor Pál
J. Biol. Chem.
298(6) 101985 I DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.101985
Directed Evolution-Driven Increase of Structural Plasticity Is a Prerequisite for Binding the Complement Lectin Pathway Blocking MASP-Inhibitor Peptides
Zsolt Dürvanger
, Eszter Boros
, Zoltán Attila Nagy
, Rózsa Hegedüs
, Márton Megyeri
, József Dobó
, Péter Gál
, Gitta Schlosser
, Annamária F. Ángyán
, Zoltán Gáspári
, András Perczel
, Veronika Harmat
, Gábor Mező
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Gábor Pál
ACS Chem. Biol.
17(4), 969–986 I DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.2c00114
The Structure-Derived Mechanism of Box H/ACA Pseudouridine Synthase Offers a Plausible Paradigm for Programmable RNA Editing
Dóra Judit Kiss
, Julianna Oláh
, Gergely Tóth
, Máté Varga
, András Stirling
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, György G. Ferenczy
ACS Catal.
12 (5), 2756-2769 I DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c04870
Application of Sugar Amino Acids: Flow chemistry used for α/β-chimera synthesis
Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz
, Kim Hoang Yen Duong
, Dániel Horváth
, Kristóf Ferentzi
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
Eur. J. Org. Chem.
6071–6083. | In memory of Ferenc Fülöp
Solution Structure and Acid-Base Properties of Reduced α-Conotoxin MI
Zoltán Faragó
, Arash Mirzahosseini
, Dániel Horváth
, Tamás Pálla
, Péter Horváth
, András Perczel
, Béla Noszál
Chemistry & Biodiversity
18, e21004 I DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cbdv.202100464
Dynamic disorder in the high-temperature polymorph of bis[diamminesilver(I)] sulfate-reasons and consequences of simultaneous ammonia release from two different polymorphs
Laura Bereczki
, Lara Alexandre Fogaça
, Zsolt Dürvanger
, Veronika Harmat
, Katalin Kamarás
, Gergely Németh
, Berta Barta Holló
, Vladimir M. Petruševski
, Eszter Bódis
, Attila Farkas
, Imre Miklós Szilágyi
, László Kótai
Journal of Coordination Chemistry
74:13, 2144-2162 | DOI: 10.1080/00958972.2021.1953489
The Budapest Amyloid Predictor and Its Applications
László Keresztes
, Evelin Szögi
, Bálint Varga
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
, Vince Grolmusz
11(4), 500 | DOI: 10.3390/biom11040500
Bacterial fermentation and isotope labelling optimized for amyloidogenic proteins
István Vida
, Zsolt Fazekas
, Gergő Gyulai
, Dóra Nagy-Fazekas
, Gyula Pálfy
, Pál Stráner
, Éva Kiss
, András Perczel
Microbial Biotechnology
14, 1107–1119. | https://doi.org/10.1111/1751-7915.13778
Synthesis of chimera oligopeptide including furanoid ß-sugar amino acid derivatives with free OHs: mild but successful removal of the 1,2-O-isopropylidene from the building block
Duong Kim Hoang Yen
, Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz
, András Perczel
, István Pintér
Amino Acids
53: 281–294 | DOI: 10.1007/s00726-020-02923-3
Cost Effective Flow Peptide Synthesis: Metamorphosis of HPLC
Viktor Farkas
, Kristóf Ferentzi
, Kata Horváti
, András Perczel
Organic Process Research & Development
25(2): 182-191
Intrinsic structural disorder of proteins: from prediction to experimental identification
Andrea Bodor
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins
Assessment of Tractable Cysteines for Covalent Targeting by Screening Covalent Fragments
László Petri
, Dr. Péter Ábrányi-Balogh
, Dr. Imre Tímea
, Dr. Gyula Pálfy
, Prof. Dr. András Perczel
, Dr. Damijan Knez
, Dr. Martina Hrast
, Dr. Martina Gobec
, Dr. Izidor Sosič
, Dr. Kinga Nyíri
, Prof. Dr. Beáta G. Vértessy
, Niklas Jänsch
, Charlotte Desczyk
, Prof. Dr. Franz‐Josef Meyer‐Almes
, Iza Ogris
, Dr. Simona Golič Grdadolnik
, Luca Giacinto Iacovino
, Prof. Dr. Claudia Binda
, Prof. Dr. Stanislav Gobec
, Prof. Dr. György M. Keserű
Structural impact of GTP binding on downstream KRAS signaling
Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Gyula Pálfy
, Zoltán Orgován
, István Vida
, György M. Keserű
, András Perczel
Chemical Science
DOI: 10.1039/d0sc03441j
Power of Pure Shift HαCα Correlations: A Way to Characterize Biomolecules under Physiological Conditions
Andrea Bodor
, Jens D. Haller
, Bouguechtouli Chafiaa
, Theillet Francois-Xavier
, László Nyitray
, Luy Burkhard
Analytical Chemistry
Interplay of Structural Disorder and Short Binding Elements in the Cellular Chaperone Function of Plant Dehydrin ERD14
Nikoletta Murvai
, Lajos Kalmár
, Bianka Szalainé Ágoston
, Beáta Szabó
, Ágnes Tantos
, György Csikós
, András Micsonai
, József Kardos
, Didier Vertommen
, Phuong N. Nguyen
, Nevena Hristozova
, András Láng
, Dénes Kovács
, László Buday
, Kyou-Hoon Han
, András Perczel
, Péter Tompa
9(8), 1856 | doi: 10.3390/cells9081856
Pseudouridylation defect due to DKC1 and NOP10 mutations causes nephrotic syndrome with cataracts, hearing impairment, and enterocolitis
Balogh Eszter
, Chandler Jennifer C.
, Varga Máté
, Tahoun Mona
, Karancsiné Menyhárd Dóra
, Schay Gusztáv
, Goncalves Tomas
, Hamar Renáta
, Légrádi Regina
, Szekeres Ákos
Gas Sensing by Bacterial H-NOX Proteins: An MD Study
Rozza Ahmed M.
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Oláh Julianna
Tumor‐Suppressor p53TAD1–60 Forms a Fuzzy Complex with Metastasis‐Associated S100A4: Structural Insights and Dynamics by an NMR/MD Approach
Erika F. Dudás
, Gyula Pálfy
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Fanni Sebák
, Péter Ecsédi
, László Nyitray
, Andrea Bodor
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Podocin regulates the size of the glomerular pore
Kétszeri Máté
, Antal Violetta
, Schay Gusztáv
, Ungvári-Veres Anita
, Pászty Katalin
, Kellermayer Miklós
, Karancsiné Menyhárd Dóra
, Kálmán Tory
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Tissue-Specific Requirement for the GINS Complex During Zebrafish Development
Varga Máté
, Csályi Kitti
, Bertyák István
, Karancsiné Menyhárd Dóra
, Poole Richard J.
, Cerveny Kara L.
, Kövesdi Dorottya
, Barátki Balázs
, Rouse Hannah
, Vad Zsuzsa
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Structure Determination of the Transactivation Domain of p53 in Complex with S100A4 Using Annexin A2 as a Crystallization Chaperone
Péter Ecsédi
, Gergő Gógl
, Henrietta Hóf
, Bence Kiss
, Veronika Harmat
, László Nyitray
28(8), 943-953.e4 | doi: 10.1016/j.str.2020.05.001
Configuration‐Controlled Crystal and/or Gel Formation of Protected d‐Glucosamines Supported by Promiscuous Interaction Surfaces and a Conformationally Heterogeneous Solution State
Anita Kapros
, Attila Balázs
, Veronika Harmat
, Adrienn Háló
, Lívia Budai
, István Pintér
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Chemistry—A European Journal
26 | doi.org/10.1002/chem.202000882
1H, 15N backbone assignment and comparative analysis of the wild type and G12C, G12D, G12V mutants of K‐Ras bound to GDP at physiological pH
Gyula Pálfy
, István Vida
, András Perczel
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
14, 1-7 | doi.org/10.1007/s12104-019-09909-7
Novel Polycondensed Partly Saturated β-Carbolines Including Ferrocene Derivatives: Synthesis, DFT-Supported Structural Analysis, Mechanism of Some Diastereoselective Transformations and a Preliminary Study of their In Vitro Antiproliferative Effects
Kinga Judit Fodor
, Dániel Hutai
, Tamás Jernei
, Angéla Takács
, Zsófia Szász
, Máté Sulyok-Eiler
, Veronika Harmat
, Rita Oláh Szabó
, Gitta Schlosser
, Ferenc Hudecz
, László Kőhidai
, Antal Csámpai
25(7), 1599 | doi: 10.3390/molecules25071599
Anionic food color tartrazine enhances antibacterial efficacy of histatin-derived peptide DHVAR4 by fine-tuning its membrane activity
Maria Ricci
, Kata Horváti
, Tünde Juhász
, Imola Szigyártó
, György Török
, Fanni Sebák
, Andrea Bodor
, László Homolya
, Judit Henczkó
, Bernadett Pályi
, Tamás Mlinkó
, Judith Mihály
, Bilal Nizami
, Zihuayuan Yang
, Fengming Lin
, Xiaolin Lu
, Loránd Románszki
, Attila Bóta
, Zoltán Varga
, Szilvia Bõsze
, Ferenc Zsila
, Tamás Beke-Somfai
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics
53(5), 1-11 | DOI: 10.1017/S0033583520000013
Compactness of Protein Folds Alters Disulfide‐Bond Reducibility by Three Orders of Magnitude: A Comprehensive Kinetic Case Study on the Reduction of Differently Sized Tryptophan Cage Model Proteins
Dániel Horváth
, Nóra Taricska
, Ernő Keszei
, Pál Stráner
, Viktor Farkas
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
21(5), 681-695 | doi.org/10.1002/cbic.201900470
The route from the folded to the amyloid state: exploring the potential energy surface of a drug-like miniprotein
Nóra Taricska
, Dániel Horváth
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Hanna Ákontz-Kiss
, Masahiro Noji
, Masatomo So
, Yuji Goto
, Toshimichi Fujiwara
, András Perczel
Chemistry A European Journal
26(9), 1968-1978 | doi.org/10.1002/chem.201903826
Podocin Regulates the Nephrin-Nephrin Distance in the Glomerular Pore
Schay Gusztáv
, Antal Violetta
, Kétszeri Máté
, Csokay Katalin
, Kellermayer Miklós
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Kálmán Tory
Biophysical Journal
Peptide-bicelle interaction: Following variations in size and morphology by a combined NMR-SAXS approach
E. F. Dudás
, A. Wacha
, A. Bóta
, A. Bodor
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes
Off-pathway 3D-structure provides protection against spontaneous Asn/Asp isomerization: shielding proteins Achilles heel
András Láng
, Imre Jákli
, Kata Nóra Enyedi
, Gábor Mező
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics
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Effect of podocin variants on the podocin-nephrin and nephrin-nephrin interaction
Antal Violetta
, Kétszeri Máté
, Gusztáv Schay
, Ungvári-Veres Anita
, Csokay Katalin
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Kálmán Tory
, Kellermayer Miklós
Allélspecifikus inhibitorok nyomában: a RASopátia konzorcium célpontjában a KRAS fehérje onkogén mutációi
Kinga Nyíri
, Gergely Koppány
, Gyula Pálfy
, István Vida
, Szilárd Tóth
, Zoltán Orgován
, Ivan Ranđelović
, Marcell Baranyi
, Eszter Molnár
, György M. Keserű
, József Tóvári
, András Perczel
, Beáta G. Vértessy
, József Tímár
Magyar Onkológia
63(4), 310-323
Structural Diversity in Calmodulin - Peptide Interactions
Zsolt Dürvanger
, Veronika Harmat
Current Protein & Peptide Science
1102 - 1111 doi.org/10.2174/1389203720666190925101937
Achieving Functionality Through Modular Build-up: Structure and Size Selection of Serine Oligopeptidases
Anna J. Kiss-Szemán
, Veronika Harmat
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
Current Protein & Peptide Science
1089 - 1101 DOI:10.2174/1389203720666190925103339
Unwanted hydrolysis or α/β-peptide bond formation: how long should the rate-limiting coupling step take?
Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz
, Adrienn Nagy
, Viktor Farkas
, Ernő Keszei
, András Perczel
RSC Advances
9(53): 30720–30728 | DOI: 10.1039/c9ra06124j
Assignment of vibrational circular dichroism cross-referenced electronic circular dichroism spectra of flexible foldamer building blocks: towards assigning foldamers’ pure chiroptical properties
Viktor Farkas
, Adrienn Nagy
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Chemistry A European Journal
25(65): 14890-14900 | doi.org/10.1002/chem.201903023
A Convenient Synthetic Method to Improve Immunogenicity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Related T-Cell Epitope Peptides
Kata Horváti
, Bernadett Pályi
, Judit Henczkó
, Gyula Balka
, Eleonóra Szabó
, Viktor Farkas
, Beáta Biri-Kovács
, Bálint Szeder
, Kinga Fodor
7(3), 101, doi:10.3390/vaccines7030101
Radiation-damage investigation of a DNA 16-mer
Valéria Bugris
, Veronika Harmat
, Györgyi Ferenc
, Sándor Brockhauser
, Ian Carmichael
, Elspeth F. Garman
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
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Real-time pure shift measurements for uniformly isotope-labeled molecules using X-selective BIRD homonuclear decoupling
Jens D. Haller
, Andrea Bodor
, Burkhard Luy
Journal of Magnetic Resonance
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1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Isatin-Derived Azomethine Ylides with 2H‐Azirines: Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,3- Diazaspiro[bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane]oxindoles
Anikó Angyal
, András Demjén
, Veronika Harmat
, János Wölfling
, László G. Puskás
, Iván Kanizsai
The Journal of Organic Chemistry
4273-4281 DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.9b00242
Hydration shell differentiates folded and disordered states of a trp-cage miniprotein, allowing characterization of structural heterogeneity by wide-line NMR measurements
Nóra Taricska
, Mónika Bokor
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Kálmán Tompa
, András Perczel
Scientific Reports
9:2947 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-39121-5
DUckCov: a Dynamic Undocking-Based Virtual Screening Protocol for Covalent Binders
Moira Rachman
, Andrea Scarpino
, Dávid Bajusz
, Gyula Pálfy
, István Vida
, András Perczel
, Xavier Barril
, György M. Keserű
14, 1 – 12 DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.201900078
Quantitative, Diffusion NMR Based Analytical Tool To Distinguish Folded, Disordered, and Denatured Biomolecules
Erika F. Dudás
, Andrea Bodor
American Chemical Society
4929-4933 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b05617
Directed Evolution of Canonical Loops and Their Swapping between Unrelated Serine Proteinase Inhibitors Disprove the Interscaffolding Additivity Model
Eszter Boros
, Fanni Sebák
, Dávid Héja
, Dávid Szakács
, Katalin Zboray
, Gitta Schlosser
, András Micsonai
, József Kardos
, Andrea Bodor
, Gábor Pál
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α/β‐Chimera peptide synthesis with cyclic β‐sugar amino acids: the efficient coupling protocol
Adrienn Nagy
, Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz
, István Pintér
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
Amino Acids
51(4), 669-678
Protein Aggregation in a Nutshell: The Splendid Molecular Architecture of the Dreaded Amyloid Fibrils
Dániel Horváth
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, András Perczel
Current Protein & Peptide Science
20(11), 1077-1088 | doi: 10.2174/1389203720666190925102832.
Quantum chemical calculations support pseudouridine synthase reaction through a glycal intermediate and provide details of the mechanism
Dóra J. Kiss
, Julianna Oláh
, Gergely Tóth
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, György G Ferenczy
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
137-162 | doi.org/10.1007/s00214-018-2361-6
Crystal and solution structures of calcium complexes relevant to problematic waste disposal: calcium gluconate and calcium isosaccharinate
V. Bugris
, Cs. Dudás
, B. Kutus
, V. Harmat
, K. Csankó
, S. Brockhauser
, I. Pálinkó
, Peter Turner
, P. Sipos
Acta Crystallographica Section B
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The mutation-dependent pathogenicity of NPHS2 p.R229Q: A guide for clinical assessment
Ágnes Mikó
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Ambrus Kaposi
, Corinne Antignac
, Kálmán Tory
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In Situ Terminal Functionalization of Polystyrene Obtained by Quasiliving ATRP and Subsequent Derivatizations
György Kasza
, Györgyi Szarka
, Andrea Bodor
, Gergely Kali
, Béla Iván
American Chemical Society
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Multiple S100 protein isoforms and C-terminal phosphorylation contribute to the paralog-selective regulation of nonmuscle myosin 2 filaments
Péter Ecsédi
, Neil Billington
, Gyula Pálfy
, László Nyitray
, Bence Kiss
, Éva Bulyáki
, Andrea Bodor
, James R. Sellers
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
293(38) 14850 –14867. | DOI10.1074/jbc.RA118.004277
C-terminal oligomerization of podocin mediates interallelic interactions
Pál Stráner
, Eszter Balogh
, Gusztáv Schay
, Christelle Arrondel
, Ágnes Mikó
, Gerda L'Auné
, Alexandre Benmerah
, András Perczel
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Corinne Antignac
, Géraldine Mollet
, Kálmán Tory
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease
S0925-4439(18)30132-30137 | DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2018.04.008 | PMID: 29660491
Synthesis and in vitro biochemical evaluation of oxime bond- linked daunorubicin–GnRH-III conjugates developed for targeted drug delivery
Viktor Farkas
, Gábor Mező
, László Buday
, Beáta Biri-Kovács
, Bálint Szeder
, Sabine Schuster
, Zsuzsanna Szabó
, Gábor Halmos
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
14, 756–771. doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.64
Synthesis, spectral- and theoretical study, x-ray analysis, and antiproliferative activity of 4,5-dihydrobenzoferroceno[1,2-d][1,2,3]selenadiazole and its benzo-fused analogue
Tibor Pasinszki
, Dániel Dzsotján
, Győző György Lajgut
, Veronika Harmat
, Antal Csámpai
, Andrea Bor
, István Zupkó
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
863:70-76. | DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2018.03.031
Synthesis and in vitro biochemical evaluation of oxime bond-linked daunorubicin–GnRH-III conjugates developed for targeted drug delivery
Sabine Schuster
, Beáta Biri-Kovács
, Bálint Szeder
, Viktor Farkas
, László Buday
, Zsuzsanna Szabó
, Gábor Halmos
, Gábor Mező
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New Antimicrobial Potential and Structural Properties of PAFB: A Cationic, Cysteine-Rich Protein from Penicillium chrysogenum Q176
Anna Huber
, Dorottya Hajdu
, Doris Bratschun-Khan
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Mihayl Varbanov
, Stéphanie Philippot
, Ádám Fizil
, András Czajlik
, Zoltán Kele
, Christoph Sonderegger
, László Galgóczy
, Andrea Bodor
, Florentine Marx
, Gyula Batta
Scientific Reports
8:1751. PMID: 29379111 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20002-2
Approaches to Pyranuronic beta-Sugar Amino Acid Building Blocks of Peptidosaccharide Foldamers
Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz
, István Pintér
, Veronika Harmat
, András Perczel
Eur. J. Org. Chem.
355-361. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201701612
Dynamic control of RSK complexes by phosphoswitch-based regulation
Gergő Gógl
, Beáta Biri-Kovács
, Ádám L Póti
, Henrietta Vadászi
, Bálint Szeder
, Andrea Bodor
, Gitta Schlosser
, András Ács
, Lilla Turiák
, László Buday
, Anita Alexa
, László Nyitray
, Attila Reményi
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First principles calculation of the reaction rates for ligand binding to myoglobin: the cases of NO and CO
Anikó Lábas
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Jeremy N. Harvey
, Julianna Oláh
Wiley Online Library
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The impact of water on the ambivalent behavior and paradoxical phenomenon of the amyloid-β fibril protein
Tamás Vajda
, András Perczel
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Biochemical and pharmacological characterization of three opioid- nociceptin hybrid peptide ligands reveals substantially differing modes of their actions
Anna I. Erdei
, Adina Borbély
, Anna Magyar
, Nóra Taricska
, András Perczel
, Ottó Zsíros
, Győző Garab
, Edina Szűcs
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, Ferenc Zádor
, Mihály Balogh
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The Piwi-piRNA pathway: road to immortality
Ádám Sturm
, András Perczel
, Zoltán Ivics
, Tibor Vellai
Aging Cell
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Ezrin interacts with S100A4 via both its N- and C-terminal domains
Beáta Biri-Kovács
, Bence Kiss
, Henrietta Vadászi
, Gergő Gógl
, Gyula Pálfy
, György Török
, László Homolya
, Andrea Bodor
, László Nyitray
PLoS One
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Four Faces of the Interaction between Ions and Aromatic Rings
Dóra Papp
, Petra Rovó
, Imre Jákli
, Attila G. Császár
, András Perczel
Journal of Computational Chemistry
38, 1762-1773 | doi.org/10.1002/jcc.24816
Strong influence of intramolecular Si⋯O proximity on reactivity: Systematic molecular structure, solvolysis, and mechanistic study of cyclic N-trimethylsilyl carboxamide derivatives
Roland Szalay
, Veronika Harmat
, János Eőri
, Gábor Pongor
Tetrahedron Letters
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How weak an acid can be? Variations of H-bond and/or van der Waals Interaction of Weak Acids
Szebasztián Szaniszló
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
Struct. Chem.
28(2):371-378. | DOI: 10.1007/s11224-016-0888-5
Predictable conformational diversity in foldamers of sugar amino acids
Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Ilona Hudáky
, Imre Jákli
, György Juhász
, András Perczel
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
57(4):757–768. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00488
C‐3 epimers of sugar amino acids as foldameric building blocks: improved synthesis, useful derivatives, coupling strategies
Adrienn Nagy
, Barbara Csordás
, Virág Zsoldos-Mády
, István Pintér
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
Amino Acids
49(2):223–240. | doi: 10.1007/s00726-016-2346-5 | PMID: 27803987
Challenging drug target for Parkinson's disease: Pathological complex of the chameleon TPPP/p25 and alpha-synuclein proteins
Tibor Szénási
, Judit Oláh
, Adél Szabó
, Sándor Szunyogh
, András Láng
, András Perczel
, Attila Lehotzky
, Vladimir N. Uversky
, Judit Ovádi
Biochim Biophys Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
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The Eighth Central European Conference “Chemistry towards Biology”: Snapshot
András Perczel
, Ricardo D. Enriz
, Atanas G. Atanasov
, Vladimír Sklenář
, Jiří Nováček
, Veronika Papoušková
, Pavel Kadeřávek
, Lukáš Žídek
, Henryk Kozłowski
, Joanna Wątły
, Aleksandra Hecel
, Paulina Kołkowska
, Jaroslav Koča
, Radka Svobodová-Vařeková
, Lukáš Pravda
, David Sehnal
, Vladimír Horský
, Stanislav Geidl
, Pavel Matějka
, Adéla Jeništová
, Marcela Dendisová
, Alžběta Kokaislová
, Volkmar Weissig
, Mark Olsen
, Aidan Coffey
, Jude Ajuebor
, Ruth Keary
, Marta Sanz-Gaitero
, Mark J. van Raaij
, Olivia McAuliffe
, Birgit Waltenberger
, Andrei Mocan
, Karel Šmejkal
, Elke H. Heiss
, Marc Diederich
, Robert Musioł
, Janez Košmrlj
, Jarosław Polański
, Josef Jampílek
21(10):1381 DOI:10.3390/molecules21101381
Origin of problems related to Staudinger reduction in carbopeptoid syntheses
Barbara Csordás
, Adrienn Nagy
, Veronika Harmat
, Virág Zsoldos-Mády
, Ibolya Leveles
, István Pintér
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
Amino Acids
48(11):2619-2633 DOI: 10.1007/s00726-016-2289-x | PMID: 27438266
Multi-level changes in protein dynamics upon complex formation of the calcium-loaded S100A4 with a non-muscle myosin IIA tail fragment
Gyula Pálfy
, Bence Kiss
, László Nyitray
, Andrea Bodor
17(19):1829-1838 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201600280 | PMID: 27418229
Aromatic cluster sensor of protein folding: near-UV ECD bands assigned to fold compactness
Viktor Farkas
, Imre Jákli
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
Chemistry A Eur. J.
22(39):13871–13883. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201602455 | PMID: 27504963
Hydrogen-Bonding Network Anchors the Cyclic Form of Sugar Arylhydrazones
Viktória Goldschmidt Gőz
, István Pintér
, Antal Csámpai
, Imre Jákli
, Virág Zsoldos-Mády
, András Perczel
Eur. J. Org. Chem.
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The clear and dark sides of water: influence on the coiled coil folding domain
Tamás Vajda
, András Perczel
7(3):189-195. DOI:10.1515/bmc-2016-0005 | PMID: 27180359
Bacterial expression and/or solid phase peptide synthesis of 20-40 amino acid long polypeptides and miniproteins, the case study of Class B GPCR ligands
Pál Stráner
, Nóra Taricska
, Mária Szabó
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci.
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Small Peptides Derived from Penetratin as Antibacterial Agents
Oscar Parravicini
, Csaba Somlai
, Sebastián A. Andujar
, Adriana D. Garro
, Beatriz Lima
, Alejandro Tapia
, Gabriela Feresin
, András Perczel
, Gábor Tóth
, Javier López Cascales
, Ana M. Rodríguez
, Ricardo D. Enriz
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Structural basis of Ribosomal S6 Kinase 1 (RSK1) inhibition by S100B Protein: modulation of the Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) signaling cascade in a calcium-dependent way
Gergő Gógl
, Anita Alexa
, Bence Kiss
, Gergely Katona
, Mihály Kovács
, Andrea Bodor
, Attila Reményi
, László Nyitray
J. Biol. Chem.
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An engineered scorpion toxin analogue with improved Kv1.3 selectivity displays reduced conformational flexibility
Ádám Bartók
, Krisztina Fehér
, Andrea Bodor
, Kinga Rákosi
, Gábor K. Tóth
, Katalin E. Kövér
, György Panyi
, Zoltán Varga
Scientific Reports
5:18397. DOI: 10.1038/srep18397 | PMID: 26689143
Chiral recognition studies of α‑(nona fluoro-tert-butoxy)carboxylic acids by NMR spectroscopy
Anikó Nemes
, Tamás Csóka
, Szabolcs Béni
, Viktor Farkas
, József Rábai
, Dénes Szabó
J. Org. Chem.
80(12):6267–6274 | DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.5b00706 | PMID: 26024423
Structural assembly of the signaling competent ERK2–RSK1 heterodimeric protein kinase complex
Anita Alexa
, Gergő Gógl
, Gábor Glatz
, Ágnes Garai
, András Zeke
, János Varga
, Erika Dudás
, Norbert Jeszenői
, Andrea Bodor
, Csaba Hetényi
, Attila Reményi
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
112(9):2711-2716. | DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1417571112 | PMID: 25730857
Membrane interactions in small fast-tumbling bicelles as studied by 31P NMR
Andrea Bodor
, Katalin E. Kövér
, Lena Mäler
BBA Biomembranes
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Catalytically distinct states captured in a crystal lattice: the substrate-bound and scavenger states of acylaminoacyl peptidase and their implications for functionality
Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Zoltán Orgován
, Zoltán Szeltner
, Ilona Szamosi
, Veronika Harmat
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr.
71(Pt 3):461-472. | DOI: 10.1107/S1399004714026819 | PMID: 25760596
Development of Cyclic NGR Peptides with Thioether Linkage: Structure and Dynamics Determining Deamidation and Bioactivity
Kata N. Enyedi
, András Czajlik
, Krisztina Knapp
, András Láng
, Zsuzsa Majer
, Eszter Lajkó
, László Kőhidai
, András Perczel
, Gábor Mező
J. Med. Chem.
58(4):1806-1817. | DOI: 10.1021/jm501630j | PMID: 25646854
Phosphorylation as Conformational Switch from the Native to Amyloid State: Trp-Cage as a Protein Aggregation Model
József Kardos
, Bence Kiss
, András Micsonai
, Petra Rovó
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, János Kovács
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
J. Phys. Chem. B
119(7):2946–2955. | DOI: 10.1021/jp5124234 | PMID: 25625571
DYNLL2 Dynein Light Chain Binds to an Extended Linear Motif of Myosin 5a Tail That Has Structural Plasticity
Andrea Bodor
, László Radnai
, Csaba Hetényi
, Péter Rapali
, András Láng
, Katalin E. Kövér
, András Perczel
, Weixiao Y. Wahlgren
, Gergely Katona
, László Nyitray
53(45):7107-7122. | DOI: 10.1021/bi500574z | PMID: 25312846
Dynamics of small, folded proteins
Petra Rovó
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, András Perczel
Protein Modelling
223-248 |doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09976-7_10
Role of water in protein folding, oligomerization, amyloidosis and miniprotein
Tamás Vajda
, András Perczel
J. Pept. Sci.
20(10):747-759. | DOI: 10.1002/psc.2671. | PMID: 25098401
Conservative Evolution, Sustainability, and Culture
Gábor Náray-Szabó
Comparative Literature and Culture
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Protein structure and dynamics
Gábor Náray-Szabó
, András Perczel
Int. J. Terraspace Sci. Eng.
Strictly localised molecular orbitals in QM/MM methods
György G Ferenczy
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
Protein Modelling
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Probing of primed and unprimed sites of calpains: Design, synthesis and evaluation of epoxysuccinyl-peptide derivatives as selective inhibitors
Levente E Dókus
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Ágnes Tantos
, Ferenc Hudecz
, Zoltán Bánóczi
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
82:274-280. | DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2014.05.058 | PMID: 24915003
Rational Design of α-Helix-Stabilized Exendin-4 Analogues
Petra Rovó
, Viktor Farkas
, Pál Stráner
, Mária Szabó
, Ágnes Jermendy
, Orsolya Hegyi
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
53(22):3540-3552. | DOI: 10.1021/bi500033c | PMID: 24828921
The C-terminal random coil region tunes the Ca²⁺-binding affinity of S100A4 through conformational activation
Annette Duelli
, Bence Kiss
, Ida Lundholm
, Andrea Bodor
, Maxim V. Petoukhov
, Dmitri I. Svergun
, László Nyitray
, Gergely Katona
PLoS One
9(5):e97654 | DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097654 | PMID: 24830809
On the Mechanism of Bifunctional Squaramide-Catalyzed Organocatalytic Michael Addition: A Protonated Catalyst as an Oxyanion Hole
Bianka Kótai
, György Kardos
, Andrea Hamza
, Viktor Farkas
, Imre Pápai
, Tibor Soós
Chem. Eur. J.
20(19):5631-5639. | DOI: 10.1002/chem.201304553 | PMID: 24677388
Önszerveződés és hajlékonyság: szubsztrát szelekciós stratégiák oligopeptidázokban
Harmat Veronika
Impairment of a model peptide by oxidative stress: Thermodynamic stabilities of asparagine diamide Cα-radical foldamers
Klára Z. Gerlei
, Lilla Élő
, Béla Fiser
, Michael C. Owen
, Imre Jákli
, Svend J. Knak Jensen
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
, Béla Viskolcz
Chem. Phys. Lett.
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A theoretical study of the stability of disulfide bridges in various β-sheet structures of protein segment models
Natalie J. Galant
, Heeyeon Cheryl Song
, Imre Jákli
, Béla Viskolcz
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, Svend J. Knak Jensen
, András Perczel
Chem. Phys. Lett.
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Mutation-dependent recessive inheritance of NPHS2-associated steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
Kálmán Tory
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Stéphanie Woerner
, Fabien Nevo
, Olivier Gribouval
, Andrea Kerti
, Pál Stráner
, Christelle Arrondel
, Evelyne Huynh Cong
, Tivadar Tulassay
, Géraldine Mollet
, András Perczel
, Corinne Antignac
Nat. Genet.
46:299–304 | DOI: 10.1038/ng.2898 | PMID: 24509478
Structure and enzymatic mechanism of a moonlighting dUTPase
Ibolya Leveles
, Veronika Németh
, Judit E. Szabó
, Veronika Harmat
, Kinga Nyíri
, Ábris Ádám Bendes
, Veronika Papp-Kádár
, Imre Zagyva
, Gergely Róna
, Olivér Ozohanics
, Károly Vékey
, Judit Tóth
, Beáta G. Vértessy
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr.
D69:2298-2308. | DOI: 10.1107/S0907444913021136 | PMID: 24311572
Atropisomerism of the Asn α Radicals Revealed by Ramachandran Surface Topology.
Klára Z. Gerlei
, Imre Jákli
, Milán Szőri
, Svend J. Knak Jensen
, Béla Viskolcz
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
J. Phys. Chem. B
117(41):12402-12409. | DOI: 10.1021/jp4070906 | PMID: 24015919
Multiple fuzzy interactions in the moonlighting function of thymosin-β4
Ágnes Tantos
, Beáta Szabó
, András Láng
, Zoltán Varga
, Maksym Tsylonok
, Mónika Bokor
, Tamás Verebélyi
, Pawel Kamasa
, Kálmán Tompa
, András Perczel
, László Buday
, Si Hyung Lee
, Yejin Choo
, Kyou-Hoon Han
, Péter Tompa
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Catalytic mechanism of α-phosphate attack in dUTPase is revealed by X-ray crystallographic snapshots of distinct intermediates, 31P-NMR spectroscopy and reaction path modelling
Orsolya Barabás
, Vince Grolmusz
, Zoltán Szabadka
, Imre Zagyva
, Zoltán Kele
, Edina Rosta
, András Perczel
, Andrea Bodor
, Veronika Németh
, Matthias Wilmanns
Nucleic Acids Res.
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt756 | PMID: 23982515
Penetratin and derivatives acting as antibacterial agents
Adriana D. Garro
, Ana M. Rodríguez
, Javier López Cascales
, Botond Penke
, Csaba Somlai
, András Perczel
, Gabriela Feresin
, Alejandro Tapia
, Beatriz Lima
, José A. Bombasaro
, Mónica S. Olivella
, Ricardo D. Enriz
Chem. Biol. Drug. Des.
82(2):167-177. | DOI: 10.1111/cbdd.12143 | PMID: 23581817
Quantum Mechanical Modeling: A Tool for the Understanding of Enzyme Reactions
Gábor Náray-Szabó
, Julianna Oláh
, Balázs Krámos
3:662-702. | DOI: 10.3390/biom3030662
Foldamers of β-peptides: conformational preference of peptides formed by rigid building blocks. The first MI-IR spectra of a triamide nanosystem.
Gábor Pohl
, Esther Gorrea
, Vicenç Branchadell
, Rosa M. Ortuño
, András Perczel
, György Tarczay
Amino Acids
45(4):957-973. | DOI: 10.1007/s00726-013-1552-7 | PMID: 23860847
A self-compartmentalizing hexamer serine protease from Pyrococcus horikoshii: substrate selection achieved through multimerization
Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Anna Kiss-Szemán
, Éva Tichy-Rács
, Balázs Hornung
, Krisztina Rádi
, Zoltán Szeltner
, Klarissza Domokos
, Ilona Szamosi
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, László Polgár
, Veronika Harmat
J Biol Chem
288(24):17884-17894. | DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M113.451534 | PMID: 23632025
Helix compactness and stability: Electron structure calculations of conformer
Imre Jákli
, Szilárd N. Fejér
, Ödön Farkas
, Béla Viskolcz
, Svend J. Knak Jensen
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
Chem. Phys. Lett.
Foldamer Stability Coupled to Aggregation Propensity of Elongated Trp-Cage Miniproteins
Viktor Farkas
, Barbara Csordás
, Orsolya Hegyi
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
Eur. J. Org. Chem.
13:3513-3522. | DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201300071
Quantitative characterization of the activation steps of Mannan-Binding Lectin (MBL)-Associated Serine Proteases (MASPs) points to the central role of MASP-1 in the initiation of the complement lectin pathway
Márton Megyeri
, Veronika Harmat
, Balázs Major
, Ádám Végh
, Júlia Balczer
, Dávid Héja
, Katalin Szilágyi
, Dániel Datz
, Gábor Pál
, Péter Závodszky
, Péter Gál
, József Dobó
J Biol Chem
288(13):8922-8934. | DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M112.446500 | PMID: 23386610
Structural insights into the Trp-cage folding intermediate formation
Petra Rovó
, Pál Stráner
, András Láng
, István Bartha
, Kristóf Huszár
, László Nyitray
, András Perczel
Chem. Eur. J.
19(8):2628-2640. | DOI: 10.1002/chem.201203764 | PMID: 23319425
Star and Hyperbranched Polyisobutylenes via Terminally Reactive Polyisobutylene‐Polystyrene Block Copolymers
Gergely Kali
, Márta Szesztay
, Andrea Bodor
, Béla Iván
Macromolecular Symposia
323(1), 37-41 | DOI: 10.1002/masy.201100116
Monospecific inhibitors show that both mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1) and -2 Are essential for lectin pathway activation and reveal structural plasticity of MASP-2
Dávid Héja
, Veronika Harmat
, Krisztián Fodor
, Matthias Wilmanns
, József Dobó
, Péter Závodszky
, Péter Gál
, Gábor Pál
J. Biol. Chem.
287(24):20290-300. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.354332 | PMID: 22511776
Synthesis and preliminary structural and binding characterization of new enantiopure crown ethers containing an alkyl diarylphosphinate or a proton-ionizable diarylphosphinic acid unit
György Székely
, Barbara Csordás
, Viktor Farkas
, József Kupai
, Péter Pogány
, Zsuzsanna Sánta
, Zoltán Szakács
, Tünde Tóth
, Miklós Hollósi
, Péter Huszthy
Eur. J. Org. Chem.
18:3396-3407. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201101769
The role of entropy in initializing the aggregation of peptides: A first principle study on oligopeptide oligomerization
Pohl G
, Jákli I
, Csizmadia IG
, Papp D
, Matías GF
, Perczel A
14:(4) pp. 1507-1516.
Exploiting diverse stereochemistry of b-amino acids: Toward a rational design of sheet-forming b-peptide systems
Pohl G
, Beke-Somfai T
, Csizmadia IG
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43:(2) pp. 735-749.
Chemistry for life sciences
Perczel A
, Kiss T
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Chemicalstability and structure –activity relationship studies of novelcyclic NGR peptides.
, Perczel A
University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry,
2012. pp. 588-589.<br>(ISBN:978-960-466-121-3)
Chemical stability and structure - activity relationship studies of novel cyclic NGR peptides
, Horvath R
, Orgovan N
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, Mihala N
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18:(1) pp. S178-S179.
Variation of conformational properties at a glance. True graphical visualization of the Ramachandran surface topology as a periodic potential energy surface
Jákli I
, Knak Jensen SJ
, Csizmadia IG
, Perczel A
547: pp. 82-88.
Secondary structure of short β-peptides as the chiral expression of monomeric building units: A rational and predictive model
Gorrea E
, Pohl G
, Nolis P
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, Burusco KK
, Branchadell V
, Perczel A
, Ortuño RM
77:(21) pp. 9795-9806.
Charged single alpha-helices in proteomes revealed by a consensus prediction approach
Gáspári Z
, Süveges D
, Perczel A
, Nyitray L
, Tóth G
1824: pp. 637-646.
Kémlelni a láthatatlant: építőelemek, foldamerek, peptidek, és fehérjék
Bodor Andrea
, Farkas Viktor
, Harmat Veronika
, Jákli Imre
, Karancsiné Menyhárd Dóra
, Stráner Pál
, Perczel András
118: pp. 159-167.
Estimating intrinsic structural preferences of de novo emerging random-sequence proteins: Is aggregation the main bottleneck?
Annamária F Ángyán
, András Perczel
, Zoltán Gáspári
586: pp. 2468-2472.
Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of dUTPase from the φ11 helper phage of Staphylococcus aureus
Ibolya Leveles
, Gergely Róna
, Imre Zagyva
, Ábris Ádám Bendes
, Veronika Harmat
, Beáta G. Vértessy
Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun.
67(Pt 11):1411-1413. | DOI: 10.1107/S1744309111034580 | PMID: 22102244
Freezing effect on chirality amplification of L-asparagine by crystallization of the racemate in preferential condition
Tamás Vajda
, Miklós Hollósi
32: 447-450 | PMID: 22227704
Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions of halo derivatives of 4H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-4-ones
Annamária Molnár
, Anita Kapros
, László Párkányi
, Zoltán Mucsi
, Gábor Vlád
, István Hermecz
Org Biomol Chem
9(19):6559-6565. DOI: 10.1039/c1ob05505d PMID: 21808806
Transformation of aldose formazans. Novel synthesis of 2-acetamido-2-deoxypentonolactones and a new pent-2-enose formazan.
Zsoldos-Mády V
, Pintér I
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Cooperativity network of Trp-cage miniproteins: probing salt-bridges
Petra Rovó
, Viktor Farkas
, Orsolya Hegyi
, Orsolya Szolomájer-Csikós
, Gábor K. Tóth
, András Perczel
J Pept Sci
17(9):610-619. DOI: 10.1002/psc.1377 PMID: 21644245
Directed evolution reveals the binding motif preference of the LC8/DYNLL hub protein and predicts large numbers of novel binders in the human proteome
Péter Rapali
, László Radnai
, Dániel Süveges
, Veronika Harmat
, Ferenc Tölgyesi
, Weixiao Y. Wahlgren
, Gábor Pál
PLoS One
6(4):e18818. | DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018818 | PMID: 21533121
Structure and catalysis of acylamonoacyl peptidase: closed and open subunits of a dimer oligopeptidase
Veronika Harmat
, Klarissza Domokos
, Dóra K. Menyhárd
, Anna Palló
, Zoltán Szeltner
, Ilona Szamosi
, Tamás Beke
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, László Polgár
Journal of Biological Chemistry
286:1987-1998. PMID: 21084296 | DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M110.169862
Erratum: Transformation of aldose formazans. Novel synthesis of 2-acetamido-2-deoxypentonolactones and a new pent-2-enose formazan (Carbohydrate Research (2011) 346 (1534-1540))
Zsoldos-Mády V
, Pintér I
, Peredy-Kajtár M
, Perczel A
346:(17) p. 2823.
Zn(2+)-induced rearrangement of the disordered TPPP/p25 affects its microtubule assembly and GTPase activity.
Zotter A
, Oláh J
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50:(44) pp. 9568-9578.
Disordered TPPP/P25 Binds GTP and Displays Mg(2+)-Dependent Gtpase Activity.
Zotter A
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585:(5) pp. 803-808.
Hyperfine-Shifted (13)C Resonance Assignments in an Iron-Sulfur Protein with Quantum Chemical Verification: Aliphatic C-H center dot center dot center dot S 3-Center-4-Electron Interactions
Westler WM
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133:(5) pp. 1310-1316.
Full backbone assignment and dynamics of the intrinsically disordered dehydrin ERD14.
Szalainé Ágoston B
, Kovács D
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5:(2) pp. 189-193.
New Small-Size Antifungal Peptides: Design, Synthesis and Antifungal Activity
Garro AD
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8:(6) pp. 562-567.
Penetratin analogues acting as antifungal agents
Francisco M Garibotto
, Adriana D. Garro
, Ana M. Rodríguez
, Marcela Raimondi
, Susana A. Zacchino
, András Perczel
, Csaba Somlai
, Botond Penke
, Ricardo D. Enriz
Eur. J. Med. Chem.
46(1):370-377. | DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2010.10.025. | PMID: 21093119
Local Protein Backbone Folds Determined by Calculated NMR Chemical Shifts
András Czajlik
, Ilona Hudáky
, András Perczel
32:(16) pp. 3362-3382.
Interaction between separated consecutive complement control modules of human C1r: implications for dimerization of the full-length protease.
András Láng
, Balázs Major
, Katalin Szilágyi
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Péter Gál
, Péter Závodszky
, András Perczel
FEBS Lett.
584(22):4565-4569. | DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2010.10.033 | PMID: 20970424
Protein dynamics as reported by NMR
Zoltán Gáspári
, András Perczel
Annu. Rep. NMR
Vol. 71, in press
Detecting atypical examples of known domain types by sequence similarity searching: The SBASE domain library approach
Somdutta Dhir
, Mircea Pacurar
, Dino Franklin
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Attila Kertész-Farkas
, Frank Eisenhaber
, Sándor Pongor
Curr. Protein Pept. Sci.
11(7):538-549. | DOI: 10.2174/138920310794109148 | PMID: 20887262
Aromatic stacking between nucleobase and enzyme promotes phosphate ester hydrolysis in dUTPase
Ildikó Pécsi
, Ibolya Leveles
, Veronika Harmat
, Beáta G. Vértessy
, Judit Tóth
Nucleic Acids Res.
38(20):7179-7186. | DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkq584 | PMID: 20601405
CoNSEnsX: an ensemble view of protein structures and NMR-derived experimental data
András Perczel
, Annamária F. Ángyán
, Balázs Szappanos
, Zoltán Gáspári
BMC Structural Biology
10:39. | DOI: 10.1186/1472-6807-10-39. | PMID: 21034466
Intermodule cooperativity in the structure and dynamics of consecutive complement control modules in human C1r
András Láng
, Katalin Szilágyi
, Balázs Major
, Péter Gál
, Péter Závodszky
, András Perczel
277(19):3986-3998. | DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2010.07790.x | PMID: 20796027
Structure and mechanism of calmodulin binding to a signaling sphingolipid reveal new aspects of lipid-protein interactions
Erika Kovács
, Veronika Harmat
, Judit Tóth
, Beáta G. Vértessy
, Károly Módos
, József Kardos
, Károly Liliom
24(10):3829-39. | DOI: 10.1096/fj.10-155614 | PMID: 20522785
New antifungal peptides. Synthesis, bioassays and initial structure prediction by CD spectroscopy
Mónica S. Olivella
, Ana M. Rodríguez
, Susana A. Zacchino
, Csaba Somlai
, Botond Penke
, Viktor Farkas
, András Perczel
, Ricardo D. Enriz
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.
20(16):4808-4011. | DOI: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2010.06.105. | PMID: 20620056
Extended apolar β-peptide foldamers: the role of axis chirality on β-peptide sheet stability
Gábor Pohl
, Tamás Beke
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
J. Phys. Chem. B
114(29):9338-9348. | DOI: 10.1021/jp100955u. | PMID: 20666395
Direct contacts between conserved motifs of different subunits provide major contribution to active site organization in human and mycobacterial dUTPases
Enikő Takács
, Ibolya Leveles
, Veronika Harmat
, Anna Lopata
, Judit Tóth
, Beáta G. Vértessy
FEBS Lett.
584(14):3047-54. | DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2010.05.018 | PMID: 20493855
Folded-unfolded cross-predictions and protein evolution: the case study of coiled-coils
Balázs Szappanos
, Dániel Süveges
, László Nyitray
, András Perczel
, Zoltán Gáspári
FEBS Lett.
584(8):1623-1627. | DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2010.03.026. | PMID: 20303956
Stability of the hydration layer of tropocollagen: A QM study
Villő K. Pálfi
, András Perczel
J. Comput. Chem.
31(4):764-777. | DOI: 10.1002/jcc.21361. | PMID: 19569200
Reconciling the lock-and-key and dynamic views of canonical serine protease inhibitor action
Zoltán Gáspári
, Péter Várnai
, Balázs Szappanos
, András Perczel
FEBS Lett.
584(1):203-206. | DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet. | PMID: 19932101
Probing dynamic protein ensembles with atomic proximity measures
Zoltán Gáspári
, Annamária F. Ángyán
, Somdutta Dhir
, Dino Franklin
, András Perczel
, Alessandro Pintar
, Sándor Pongor
Curr. Protein Pept. Sci.
11(7):515-522. | DOI: 10.2174/138920310794109201 | PMID: 20887264
Biophysical studies of the membrane location of the voltage-gated sensors in the HsapBK and KvAP K+ channels.
Henrik Biverståhl
, Jesper Lind
, Andrea Bodor
, Lena Mäler
Biochem. Biophys. Acta
Characterization of a novel acylaminoacyl peptidase with hexameric structure and endopeptidase activity
Zoltán Szeltner
, András L. Kiss
, Klarissza Domokos
, Veronika Harmat
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, László Polgár
Biochem. Biophys. Acta
MASP-1, a Promiscuous Complement Protease: Structure of Its Catalytic Region Reveals the Basis of Its Broad Specificity
József Dobó
, Veronika Harmat
, László Beinrohr
, Edina Sebestyén
, Péter Závodszky
, Péter Gál
J. Immunol.
Theoretical aspects of molecular recognition.
Veronika Harmat
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
Croat. Chem. Acta
Chiral and achiral fundamental conformational building units of β-peptides: a matrix isolation conformational study on Ac-β-HGly-NHMe and Ac-β-HAla-NHMe
Tamás Beke
, Csaba Somlai
, Gábor Magyarfalvi
, András Perczel
, György Tarczay
J. Phys. Chem. B
The inherent flexibility of peptides and protein fragments quantitized by CD in conjunction with CCA+
Imre Jákli
, András Perczel
J. Pept. Sci.
Combined NMR three-bond scalar coupling measurements and QM calculations to calculate OH-rotamer equilibrium of polyalcohols
Katalin E. Kövér
, Tamás Beke
, András Lipták
, András Perczel
J. Comput. Chem.
Functional Aspects of the Solution Structure and Dynamics of PAF, a Highly Stable Antifungal Protein from Penicillium chrysogenum
Gyula Batta
, Herbert Lindner
, István Pócsi
, Nikoletta Hegedüs
, Éva Leiter
, Andrea Eigentler
, Anil Kumar Chhillar
, Lydia Kaiserer
, Bettina Sarg
, Ulrike Binder
, Katalin E. Kövér
, Szabolcs Sándor
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Teréz Barna
, Florentine Marx
Charged single α-helix: a versatile protein structural motif
Dániel Süveges
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Gábor Tóth
, László Nyitray
Calmodulin in Complex with Proteins and Small Molecule Ligands: Operating with the Element of Surprise; Implications for Structure-Based Drug Design
Dóra K. Menyhárd
, György M. Keserű
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
Current Computer-Aided Drug Design
5(4), 264 - 279 | doi: 10.2174/157340909789577874
Prolyl oligopeptidase inhibition by N-acyl-pro-pyrrolidine-type molecules
Károly Kánai
, Péter Arányi
, Zsolt Böcskei
, György Ferenczy
, Veronika Harmat
, Kálmán Simon
, Sándor Bátori
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, István Hermecz
J Med Chem.
51(23):7514-7522. | DOI: 10.1021/jm800944x | PMID: 19006380
Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of human mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1) catalytic region
József Dobó
, Veronika Harmat
, Edina Sebestyén
, László Beinrohr
, Péter Závodszky
, Péter Gál
Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun.
64(Pt 9):781-784. | DOI: 10.1107/S174430910802294X | PMID: 18765903
Structural and kinetic contributions of the oxyanion binding site to the catalytic activity of acylaminoacyl peptidase
András L. Kiss
, Anna Palló
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, Veronika Harmat
, László Polgár
J Struct Biol.
162(2):312-323. | DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2008.01.012 | PMID:
Cooperation between a salt bridge and the hydrophobic core triggers fold stabilization in a Trp-cage miniprotein
Péter Hudáky
, Pál Stráner
, Viktor Farkas
, Györgyi Váradi
, Gábor Tóth
, András Perczel
47(3):1007-1016. DOI: 10.1021/bi701371x PMID: 18161949
Local structural preferences of calpastatin, the intrinsically unstructured protein inhibitor of calpain
Róbert Kiss
, Dénes Kovács
, Péter Tompa
, András Perczel
A redesigned genetic code for selective labeling in protein NMR
Zoltán Gáspári
, Gábor Pál
, András Perczel
Structure and stability of short β-peptide nanotubes: a non-natural representative of collagen?
András Czajlik
, Tamás Beke
, Andrea Bottoni
, András Perczel
J. Phys. Chem. B
Intrinsic structural disorder of DF31, a Drosophila protein of chromatin decondensation and remodeling activities
Edit Szőllősi
, Mónika Bokor
, Andrea Bodor
, András Perczel
, Éva Klement
, Katalin F. Medzihraszky
, Kálmán Tompa
, Péter Tompa
J. Proteome Res.
Calcium-induced tripartite binding of intrinsically disordered calpastatin to its cognate enzyme, calpain
Róbert Kiss
, Zoltán Bozóky
, Dénes Kovács
, Gergely Róna
, Péter Friedrich
, Péter Dvortsák
, Rudinger Weisemann
, Péter Tompa
, András Perczel
FEBS Lett.
Antibody recognition and conformational flexibility of a plaque-Specific β-amyloid epitope modulated by non-native peptide flanking regions
Marilena Manea
, Michael Przybylski
, András Perczel
, Ödön Farkas
, Anikó Horváth
, Andrea Bodor
, Kata Horváti
, Gábor Mező
, Adrián Kalászi
, Ferenc Hudecz
J. Med. Chem.
The mechanism of the reverse recovery step, phosphate release, and actin activation of Dictyostelium myosin II
Máté Gyimesi
, Bálint Kintses
, Andrea Bodor
, András Perczel
, Stefan Fischer
, Clive R. Bagshaw
, András Málnási-Csizmadia
J. Biol. Chem.
A theoretical comparison of self-assembling α- and β-peptide nanostructures: toward design of β-barrel frameworks.
Tamás Beke
, András Czajlik
, Balázs Bálint
, András Perczel
ACS Nano
How stable is a collagen triple helix? An ab initio study on various collagen and beta-sheet forming sequences
Villő Pálfi
, András Perczel
J. Comput. Chem.
A matrix isolation study on Ac-L-Pro-NH2, a frequent structural element of β- and γ-turns of peptides and proteins
Gábor Pohl
, András Perczel
, Elemér Vass
, Gábor Magyarfalvi
, György Tarczay
Distribution and evolution of short tandem repeats in closely related bacterial genomes
Edit Kassai-Jáger
, Csaba Ortutay
, Gábor Tóth
, Tibor Vellai
, Zoltán Gáspári
, 410(1):18-25.
Fast protein fold estimation from NMR-derived distance restraints
Annamária F. Ángyán
, András Perczel
, Sándor Pongor
, Zoltán Gáspári
The prolylproline unit in model peptides and in fragments from databases
Ilona Hudáky
, András Perczel
Revisiting the mechanism of the autoactivation of the complement protease C1r in the C1 complex: Structure of the active catalytic region of C1r
József Kardos
, Péter Závodszky
, Yuji Goto
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, László Gráf
, Katalin Szilágyi
, Orsolya Barabás
, Anna Palló
, Veronika Harmat
, Péter Gál
Mol. Immunol.
Dead-end street of protein folding: thermodynamic rationale of amyloid fibril formation
András Perczel
, Péter Hudáky
, Villő Pálfi
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
, 129(48):14959-14965
pKa optimized catalysis in serine proteinases, an ab initio study on the catalaytic His
Péter Hudáky
, András Perczel
Int. J. Quantum Chem.
A matrix isolation study on Ac-Gly-NHMe and Ac-L-Alai-NHMe, the simplest chiral and achiral building blocks of peptides and proteins
Gábor Pohl
, András Perczel
, Elemér Vass
, Gábor Magyarfalvi
, György Tarczay
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Information accumulation in helical oligopeptide structures
Béla Viskolcz
, Szilárd N. Fejér
, Svend J. Knak Jensen
, András Perczel
, Imre G. Csizmadia
Chem. Phys. Lett.
450: 123-126.
Quantum mechanical studies on the existence of a trigonal bipyramidal phosphorane intermediate in enzymatic phosphate ester hydrolysis
Imre Berente
, Tamás Beke
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
Theor. Chem. Acc.
Major human γ-aminobutyrate transporter: In silico prediction of substrate efficacy
Anna Palló
, Ákos Bencsura
, László Héja
, Tamás Beke
, András Perczel
, Julianna Kardos
, Ágnes Simon
Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun.
A new synthetic method for the preparation of star-shaped polyisobutylene with hyperbranched polystyrene core
Gergely Kali
, Márta Szesztay
, Andrea Bodor
, Béla Iván
Macromol. Chem. Phys.
208: 1388-1393.
Homogeneous gold-catalyzed hydrosilylation of aldehydes
Diána Lantos
, Marıa Contelb
, Sergio Sanzb
, Andrea Bodor
, István T. Horváth
J. Organomet. Chem.
692: 1799-1805
Imidazolium ionic liquids as solvents for cerium(IV)-mediated oxidation reactions
Hasan Mehdi
, Andrea Bodor
, Diána Lantos
, István T. Horváth
, Dirk E. De Vos
, Koen Binnemans
J. Org. Chem.
72: 517-524.
Flexible segments modulate co-folding of dUTPase and nucleocapsid proteins
Veronika Németh-Pongrácz
, Emese Kónya
, Katalin F. Medzihradszky
, Éva Hunyadi-Gulyás
, Éva Klement
, Veronika Harmat
, Maxim Petoukhov
, Dmitri Svergun
, Helena Zábranská
, Michalea Rumlová
, Iva Pichová
, István Simon
, Mónika Fuxreiter
, Orsolya Barabás
, Beáta G. Vértessy
Nucleic Acids Res.
, 35: 495-505.
The acylaminoacyl peptidase from Aeropyrum pernix K1 thought to be an exopeptidase displays endopeptidase activity
András L. Kiss
, Balázs Hornung
, Krisztina Rádi
, Zsolt Gengeliczki
, Bálint Sztáray
, Tünde Juhász
, Zoltán Szeltner
, Veronika Harmat
, László Polgár
J. Mol. Biol.
368: 509-520.
C1 inhibitor serpin domain structure reveals the likely mechanism of heparin potentiation and conformational disease
László Beinrohr
, Veronika Harmat
, József Dobó
, Zsolt Lörincz
, Péter Gál
, Péter Závodszky
J. Biol. Chem.
282: 21100-21109.
Divergent microsatellite evolution in the human and chimpanzee lineages
Zoltán Gáspári
, Csaba Ortutay
, Gábor Tóth
FEBS Lett.
When the surface tells what lies beneath: Combinatorial phage-display mutagenesis reveals complex network of surface-core interactions in the pacifastin protease inhibitor family
Borbála Szenthe
, András Patthy
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Adrienna Katalin Kékesi
, László Gráf
, Gábor Pál
J. Mol. Biol.
Structure, enzymatic stability and antitumor activity of sea lamprey GnRH-III and its dimer derivatives
Gábor Mező
, András Perczel
, Michael Przybylski
, Magdolna Kovács
, Orsolya Csuka
, Borbála Vincze
, Marian Boldizsár
, Bence Kapuvári
, Andrea Bodor
, Elemér Vass
, Zsuzsa Majer
, Viktor Farkas
, Annamária Jakab
, Marilena Manea
, András Czajlik
, Ferenc Hudecz
28(4): 806-820
Determining the molecular basis for the pH-dependent interaction between the Link module of human TSG-6 and hyaluronan
Charles D. Blundell
, David J. Mahoney
, Martin R. Cordell
, Andrew Almond
, Jan D. Kahmann
, András Perczel
, Jonathan D. Taylor
, Iain D. Campbell
, Anthony J. Day
J. Biol. Chem.
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Modeling-based characterization of the elicitor function of amino acid 461 of Cucumber mosaic virus 1a protein in the hypersensitive response
Katalin Salánki
, Ákos Gellért
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, Ervin Balázs
358: 109-118.
A combined electronegativity equalization and electrostatic potential fit method for the determination of atomic point charges
Imre Berente
, Eszter Czinki
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
J. Comput. Chem.
28: 1936-1942.
A Protein Classification Benchmark collection for machine learning
Paolo Sonego
, Mircea Pacurar
, Somdutta Dhir
, Attila Kertész-Farkas
, András Kocsor
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Jack Leunissen
, Sándor Pongor
Nucleic Acids Res.
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Freezing effect on chirality generation of DL-alanine-N-carboxy-anhydride oligomerization in aqueous solution
Tamás Vajda
, Miklós Hollósi
Protein Pept. Lett.
14(9):854-858. | DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/092986607782110275 | PMID: 18045225
Enzyme:substrate hydrogen bond shortening during the acylation phase of serine protease catalysis
Krisztián Fodor
, Veronika Harmat
, Richard Neutze
, László Szilágyi
, László Gráf
, Gergely Katona
45(7):2114-2121. | 10.1021/bi0517133 | PMID: 16475800
Prediction of folding preference of 10kDa silk-like proteins using a lego-approach and ab initio calculations
Gábor Pohl
, Tamás Beke
, János Borbély
, András Perczel
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
, 128:14548-14559
Alternatively spliced exon B of myosin Va is essential for binding the tail-associated light chain shared by dynein
Zsuzsa Hódi
, Attila L. Németh
, László Radnai
, Csaba Hetényi
, Katalin Schlett
, Andrea Bodor
, András Perczel
, László Nyitray
Theoretical study on tertiary structural elements of β-peptides: Nanotubes formed from parallel-sheet-derived assemblies of β-peptides
Tamás Beke
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Local binding with globally distributed changes in a small protease inhibitor upon enzyme binding
Zoltán Gáspári
, Borbála Szenthe
, András Patthy
, William M. Westler
, László Gráf
, András Perczel
Determining suitable lego-structures to estimate stability of larger nanostructures using computational methods
Tamás Beke
, András Czajlik
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
Phys. Biol.
Toward a rational design of β-peptide structures.
Tamás Beke
, Csaba Somlai
, András Perczel
J. Comput. Chem.
A self-stabilized model of the chymotrypsin catalytic pocket. The energy profile of the overall catalytic cycle
Péter Hudáky
, András Perczel
Structural evidence for non-canonical binding of Ca2+ to a canonical EF-hand of a conventional myosin
Judit É. Debreczeni
, László Farkas
, Veronika Harmat
, Csaba Hetényi
, István Hajdú
, Péter Závodszky
, László Nyitray
, Kazuhiro Kohama
J. Biol. Chem.
280(50):41458-41464. | PMID: 16227209
A true autoactivating enzyme. Structural insight into mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 activations
Péter Gál
, Andrea Kocsis
, Tünde Bián
, Veronika Harmat
, László Barna
, Géza Ambrus
, Barbara Végh
, Robert B. Sim
, Péter Závodszky
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
J. Biol. Chem.
280(39):33435-33444. | PMID: 16040602
The structure of the complex of calmodulin with KAR-2: a novel mode of binding explains the unique pharmacology of the drug
István Horváth
, Veronika Harmat
, András Perczel
, Villő Pálfi
, László Nyitray
, Attila Nagy
, Emma Hlavanda
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, Judit Ovádi
J. Biol. Chem.
280(9):8266-8274. | PMID: 15596444
Peptide models XLV: Conformational properties of N-formyl-L-methioninamide and its relevance to methionine in proteins
András Láng
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
58(3):571-588. | DOI: 10.1002/prot.20307 | PMID: 15616985
Surprisingly great difference in reactivity depending upon the ring size: solvolysis and molecular structure study of some N-trimethylsilylated cyclic ureas
Roland Szalay
, Gábor Pongor
, Veronika Harmat
, Zsolt Böcskei
, Dezső Knausz
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
690(6), 1498–1506 | doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2004.12.023
Investigation of penetratin peptides. Part 2. In vitro uptake of penetratin and two of its derivatives
Tamás Letoha
, Ferenc Peták
, András Czajlik
, Ernő Duda
, Erzsébet Kusz
, Hristos Glavinas
, Zsolt Venkei
, Csaba Somlai
, Szilvia Gaál
, Botond Penke
J. Pept. Sci.
Efficient recognition of folds in protein 3-D structures by the improved PRIDE algorithm.
Zoltán Gáspári
, Kristian Vlahovicek
, Sándor Pongor
Toward direct determination of conformations of protein building units from multidimensional NMR experiments VI. Chemical shift analysis of His to gain 3D structure and protonation state information
Péter Hudáky
, András Perczel
J. Comput. Chem.
Structure and stability of β-pleated sheets.
András Perczel
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Imre G. Csizmadia
J. Comput. Chem.
Extended intermolecular interactions in a serine protease canonical inhibitor complex account for strong and highly specific inhibition
Krisztián Fodor
, Veronika Harmat
, Csaba Hetényi
, József Kardos
, József Antal
, András Perczel
, András Patthy
, Gergely Katona
, László Gráf
J. Mol. Biol.
Solution state conformation and degradation of cyclopeptides containing an NGR motif
Anna K. Füzéry
, Nikolett Mihala
, Pál Szabó
, András Perczel
, Raffaella Giavazzi
, Helga Süli-Vargha
J. Pept. Sci.
The structure of MBL-associated serine protease-2 reveals that identical substrate specificities of C1s and MASP-2 are realized through different sets of enzyme-substrate interactions
Veronika Harmat
, Péter Gál
, József Kardos
, Katalin Szilágyi
, Géza Ambrus
, Gábor Náray-Szabó
, Péter Závodszky
J. Mol. Biol.
342(5):1533-1546. | PMID: 15364579
Potential energy curves, surfaces and hypersurfaces. A model to follow and understand the conformational transformations in amino acids.
András Láng
, Anna K. Füzéry
, Tamás Beke
, Péter Hudáky
, András Perczel
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM)
675(1-3):163-175. | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.theochem.2003.12.047
Natively unfolded tubulin polymerization promoting protein TPPP/p25 is a common marker of alpha-synucleinopathies
Gábor G. Kovács
, Herbert Budka
, Ellen Gelpi
, Attila Lehotzky
, László Tirián
, Anna Erdei
, Gábor Mező
, Ferenc Hudecz
, András Perczel
, Tamás Molnár
, Gerg Botond
, Evo Lindersson
, Poul Henning Jensen
, János Kovács
, Lajos László
, Judit Ovádi
Neurobiol Dis.
Conformation dependence of pKa: ab initio and DFT investigation of histidine
Péter Hudáky
, András Perczel
J. Phys. Chem. A
Solvation model induced structural changes in peptides. A quantum chemical study on Ramachandran surfaces and conformers of alanine diamide using the polarizable continuum model
Ilona Hudáky
, Péter Hudáky
, András Perczel
J. Comput. Chem.
Stability issues of covalently and noncovalently bonded peptide subunits
András Perczel
, Péter Hudáky
, Anna K. Füzéry
, Imre G. Csizmadia
J. Comput. Chem.
Peptide Models XXXII. Computed chemical shift analysis of penetratin fragments
András Czajlik
, András Perczel
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM)
675(1-3): 129-139.
Peptide models XLII. Ab initio study on conformational changes of N-formyl--histidinamide caused by protonation or deprotonation of its side chain.
Péter Hudáky
, András Perczel
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM)
675(1-3): 117-127.
A nomenclature of peptide conformers.
Ilona Hudáky
, Róbert Kiss
, András Perczel
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM)
675(1-3): 177-183.
Is there an excuse for the non-conformist? Notes on the calculated energies, atom-atom contacts and natural abundance of the different conformers of alanine in proteins.
Zoltán Gáspári
, Ilona Hudáky
, András Czajlik
, András Perczel
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM)
675(1-3): 141-148.
Binding crevice for TT-232 in a homology model of type 1 somatostatin receptor
Ágnes Simon
, András Czajlik
, András Perczel
, György Kéri
, Lajos Nyikos
, Zsuzsa Emri
, Julianna Kardos
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
, 316(4):1059-1064.
Multidimensional NMR identifies the conformational shift essential for catalytic competence in the 60 KDA Drosophila melanogaster dUTPase trimer
Zsófia Dubrovay
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Éva Hunyadi-Gulyás
, Katalin F. Medzihradszky
, András Perczel
, Beáta G. Vértessy
J. Biol. Chem.
, 279(17): 17945-17950.
On the flexibility of β-peptides
Tamás Beke
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
J. Comput. Chem.
Vicinal disulfide bridge conformers by experimental methods and by ab initio and DFT molecular computations
Ilona Hudáky
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Oliviero Carugo
, Masa Cemazar
, Sándor Pongor
, András Perczel
55(1): 152-168.
Same fold with different mobility: backbone dynamics of small protease inhibitors from the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria
Borbála Szenthe
, Zoltán Gáspári
, Attila Nagy
, András Perczel
, László Gráf
, 43(12): 3376-3384.
A simple fold with variations: the pacifastin inhibitor family
Zoltán Gáspári
, Csaba Ortutay
, András Perczel
A conformational comparison of N- and C-protected methionine and N- and C-protected homocysteine
András Láng
, Krisztina György
, Imre G. Csizmadia
, András Perczel
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Lipophilicity of aminopyridazinone regioisomers
Massud A. S. Anwair
, László Károlyházy
, Diána Szabó
, Balázs Balogh
, István Kövesdi
, Veronika Harmat
, Judit Krenyácz
, Ákos Gellért
, Krisztina Takács-Novák
, Péter Mátyus
J Agric Food Chem.
51(18):5262-5270. | DOI: 10.1021/jf0343938 | PMID: 12926868
Membrane translocation of penetratin and its derivatives in different cell lines.
Tamás Letoha
, Sándor Gaál
, Csaba Somlai
, András Czajlik
, András Perczel
, Botond Penke
J. Mol. Recognit.
Synthesis, solution structure analysis and antibody binding of cyclic epitope peptides from glycoprotein D of Herpes simplex virus type I.
Gitta Schlosser
, Sytske Welling-Wester
, Szilvia Bõsze
, András Perczel
, Matty Feijlbrief
, Zsuzsa Majer
, Elemér Vass
, Róbert Kiss
, Gábor Mező
, Ferenc Hudecz
Biophys. Chem.
Intrinsically stable secondary structure elements of proteins: a comprehensive study of folding units of proteins by computation and by analysis of data determined by X-ray crystallography
András Perczel
, Imre Jákli
, Imre G. Csizmadia
Chem. Eur. J.
9(21): 5332-5342
Vicinal disulfide turns
Oliviero Carugo
, Masa Cemazar
, Sotir Zahariev
, Ilona Hudáky
, Zoltán Gáspári
, András Perczel
, Sándor Pongor
Protein Eng.
16(9): 637-639.
Structure-oriented rational design of chymotrypsin inhibitor models
Zoltán Mucsi
, Zoltán Gáspári
, György Orosz
, András Perczel
Protein Eng.
16(9): 673-681.
Toward direct determination of conformations of protein building units from multidimensional NMR experiments. V. NMR chemical shielding analysis of N-formyl-serinamide, a model for polar side-chain containing peptides
András Perczel
, Anna K. Füzéry
, Attila G. Császár
J. Comput. Chem.
24(10): 1157-1171.
A theoretical case study of type I and type II β-turns
Eszter Czinki
, Attila G. Császár
, András Perczel
Chem Eur J
9(5): 1182-1191
Cryo-bioorganic chemistry: freezing effect on stereoselection of L- and DL- alanine-N-carboxyanhydride oligomerization in dioxane solution
Tamás Vajda
, Miklós Hollósi
, Marianna Mák
CRYOLETTERS 24: 253-259 | PMID: 12955172